Auction Oregon - Auctioneers for Northwest US Home
 Benefits & Fundraisers
Businesses & Restaurants
Have an Auction?

You bet!  No better way to get the best price for your merchandise. 

Where else does your buyer offer you $125, when you were only asking $100?


Turn that estate, warehouse or business surplus into cash - without the headache of doing it yourself!

"The sound that SELLS!"

Why use
Auction Oregon!

Because we recognize our number one responsibility is integrity and trust. 

We will conduct an honest, quality auction for you, bringing you the best prices possible.

In addition, we have the experience, the know-how, and the internet, email and press marketing to make your sale successful.

Kinds of Auctions
  • Business Liquidations - fast business asset sales for retail, wholesale, restaurants, & manufacturing - Clean and clear in 1 day!
  • Fundraisers/Benefits (schools, clubs, organizations) 
  • Inventory, Asset Sales - "turning excess assets into cash"
If it can be sold, it can be sold by Auction!

Costs are flexible, depending on the amount of work requested.  Typically the Auctioneer is paid based on auction sales - the amount of money he generates for you!  Fundraisers have their own rates.

Call or Email us for an appraisal and estimate!

Auction Oregon!
Portland, OR  97217

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